As you may know, I'm not a very mysterious person. I'm proud of who I am. Today I want to share with you something that makes me, me. Enjoy!
I love being around Pacific Islanders.
Like a big happy family. |
No, it's really true. When I played rugby, it was like I was adopted into their big happy family. I have never felt so welcomed by anyone before. They're all just so friendly and happy. They're also really generous with their food. Here's how the family that I stayed with our tournament trip was:
"Hey John, you hungry?"
"No I'm Still full from all those pancakes."
"Alright, well I cut up a whole watermelon in case you change your mind brother."
Like I said, coolest people ever. Anyway, I've always loved being warm and tan. I mean, who doesn't? I am seriously considering applying to BYU Hawaii as soon as I graduate. I just feel at home around these people more than I do in Utah. When I'm in Utah Valley, I feel like I'm in a giant pit surrounded by mountains, snow, and white people. I was actually sad when I had to move away from these people in Orem and I will miss them like family.
Good to know.