Sunday, February 17, 2013

Some of My Favorite People

As you may know, I'm not a very mysterious person. I'm proud of who I am. Today I want to share with you something that makes me, me. Enjoy!

I love being around Pacific Islanders.

Like a big happy family.

No, it's really true. When I played rugby, it was like I was adopted into their big happy family. I have never felt so welcomed by anyone before. They're all just so friendly and happy. They're also really generous with their food. Here's how the family that I stayed with our tournament trip was:

"Hey John, you hungry?"
"No I'm Still full from all those pancakes."
"Alright, well I cut up a whole watermelon in case you change your mind brother." 

Like I said, coolest people ever. Anyway, I've always loved being warm and tan. I mean, who doesn't? I am seriously considering applying to BYU Hawaii as soon as I graduate. I just feel at home around these people more than I do in Utah. When I'm in Utah Valley, I feel like I'm in a giant pit surrounded by mountains, snow, and white people. I was actually sad when I had to move away from these people in Orem and I will miss them like family.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Radical Face: Ghost

Today I will share with you one of my favorite albums of all time. Ghost, by Radical Face.

Ugh the album art is just so pretty.
When men with beards make music, it's just beautiful. I mean, just look at Bon Iver. Allow me to introduce you to Ben Cooper!
I just love how Ben is himself.
Ben made the album about memories that houses can have. Old houses are one of my favorite things ever but Ben puts a really eerie spin on them. This album is really eerily happy in places which adds to the haunting effect that his music contains. He just helps me connect with the darker side of my life through his lo-fi vintage instruments and unique voice. Right now I'm really digging Along The Road and Homesick. Ben just knows what it's like to be a real person if that makes sense. Artists that are always happy in their music just seem fake to me. Ben is just himself.

One of my favorites from Ghost, but you have to listen to the whole album to get a feel for it.

So go check him out!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Quality Entertainment

As you might have noticed, I have gotten behind on some picture taking and blogrificating... blogrifying? Whatever.
So! Today I will share with you the things that entertain me while I'm being too lazy to blogrificate.

1. The 80's!
Filmed where I now live. Weird..

Dude. Anything from Teen Wolf to Tears For Fears. If you've ever talked to me I've probably cracked myself up with a reference to some 80's thing that you didn't know about. I've lived in the 80's since birth. (Well.. and the 50's.. and the 60's but we won't discuss my father now.)

2. Watching Matt Costa and His Pathetic Lip Hair Try To Groove

But only on Tuesdays, according to Madi.

3. Changing Into A Different Sweater

 Wearing a recently purchased warmth-giving garment and singing loud for all to hear can bring lots of cheer even after Christmastime!

4. Wearing Short Shorts Long After Running

No picture for this one. You would've used your screen as a flat glass popsicle.


And that describes my life these past sick weeks. Until we meet again, blog observer!